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Use to create a field that allows a user to choose a value from a drop-down list of Items.

Client view:

The lookup will fetch its values from an Item specified by the Source field property.  

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/lookup1.png

When reading the data from the database, it is represented as a string containing one GUID, for instance:

Valid default value:

GUID string. For example:



Children of the Item specified in the Source will populate the drop-down list of the lookup field.

Sample source value: /sitecore/content/Home/Colors

Client output:  

/upload/sdn5/reference/field reference/standard data types/lookup2.png

For information about accessing the field values programmatically, please follow the links below:

Accessing Lookup field value in C#

Accessing Lookup field value in XSLT

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